The fission probability of 232 Pa was measured as a function of the excitation energy in order to search for hyperdeformed (HD) transmission resonances using the (d, pf ) transfer reaction on a radioactive 231 Pa target. The experiment was performed at the Tandem accelerator of the MaierLeibnitz Laboratory (MLL) at Garching using the 231 Pa(d, pf ) reaction at a bombarding energy of E d =12 MeV and with an energy resolution of ∆E=5.5 keV. Two groups of transmission resonances have been observed at excitation energies of E * =5.7 and 5.9 MeV. The fine structure of the resonance group at E * =5.7 MeV could be interpreted as overlapping rotational bands with a rotational parameter characteristic to a HD nuclear shape (h 2 /2Θ=2.10±0.15 keV). The fission barrier parameters of 232 Pa have been determined by fitting TALYS 1.2 nuclear reaction code calculations to the overall structure of the fission probability. From the average level spacing of the J=4 states, the excitation energy of the ground state of the 3 rd minimum has been deduced to be EIII=5.05MeV.PACS numbers: 21.10. Re; 24.30.Gd; 25.85.Ge; 27.90.+b The observation of discrete γ transitions between hyperdeformed (HD) nuclear states represents one of the last frontiers of high-spin physics. Although a large community with 4π γ arrays was searching for HD states in very long experiments, no discrete HD γ transition was found in the mass region of A ≈100-130 [1-5]. On the other hand, the existence of low-spin hyperdeformation in the third minimum of the fission barrier is established both experimentally and theoretically in the actinide region [6,7]. Observing transmission resonances as a function of the excitation energy caused by resonant tunneling through excited states in the third minimum of the potential barrier can specify the excitation energies of the HD states. Moreover, the observed states could be ordered into rotational bands and the moments of inertia of these bands can characterize the underlying nuclear shape, proving that these states have indeed a HD configuration.Regarding hyperdeformation, the double-odd nucleus 232 Pa is of great interest. Even though low-spin hyperdeformation has already proved to be a general feature of uranium [8-10] and thorium isotopes [11], no HD state has been found in protactinium isotopes so far. In particular, the level scheme of the odd-odd 232 Pa is completely unknown in the 1 st minimum of the potential barrier, only the ground-state properties are known at present (I π gs =2 − ) [12]. The fine structure of the fission resonances of 232 Pa has been studied so far only via the (n, f ) reaction [13] with high resolution, but the results showed no convincing evidence on the existence of HD states. A possible reason was the rather limited momentum transfer of the (n, f ) reaction at that low neutron energy (E n ≈100 keV), which did not allow for the population of rotational bands. In contrast, the (d, p) reaction can transfer considerable angular momentum, thus full sequences of rotational states with higher sp...