The nuclear structure of neutron-rich N > 126 nuclei has been investigated following their production via relativistic projectile fragmentation of a E/A = 1 GeV 238 U beam. Metastable states in the N = 128 isotones 208 Hg and 209 Tl have been identified. Delayed γ -ray transitions are interpreted as arising from the decay of I π = (8 + ) and (17/2 + ) isomers, respectively. The data allow for the so far most comprehensive verification of the shell-model approach in the region determined by magic numbers Z < 82 and N > 126. The understanding of how shell structure arises and develops is a major goal in contemporary nuclear physics. To this end, it is of particular importance to measure the properties of nuclei in the vicinity of closed shells. Information on the single-particle energies, proton-neutron interactions, and twobody residual interactions can be derived from experimental observables such as masses, energies of excited states, and transition probabilities [1].Furthermore, information on the global behavior of nuclei can be obtained from the energy spacing of the lowest lying states in even-even systems. Recently, it was shown that there is direct empirical correlation between the p-n interaction strength and the growth of collectivity determined from the energies of the first 2 + and 4 + excitations [2]. The p-n interaction [2-4], especially among valence nucleons, is an important factor in controlling the onset and development of collectivity and deformation in nuclei and in determining the structure of nuclear transition regions. However, there is no double-magic nucleus (above mass 48), around which * Corresponding author: spectroscopic data are available in all four quadrants beyond the one-and two-particle neighbors.Although many nuclei in the 208 Pb region have been studied, we have no information on the excited states of even-even nuclei in the "southeast" quadrant defined by Z < 82 and N > 126. Yet, such nuclei, representing the particle-hole sector surrounding 208 Pb, are critical for understanding the effects of seniority, the onset of proton-neutron configuration mixing that drives collectivity and nuclear deformation. This study provides the first spectroscopic data on an even-even nucleus in this region, namely 208 Hg, and it allows the first detailed verification of the shell-model approach and nucleonnucleon interaction in this region away from the semi-magic nuclei and the particle-hole neighbor 208 Tl [5]. Recently, the mass of 208 Hg was measured [4], allowing the extraction of the average p-n interaction for 210 Pb, the first value in the proton-hole-neutron-particle quadrant. The combination of mass and spectroscopic data is essential in understanding the evolution of structure near doubly magic nuclei. Indeed, it has recently been shown that the link between masses and structure is stronger and more sensitive than hitherto thought [6]. Furthermore, because the newly accessible region near 132 Sn [7] shares many similarities with the Pb region, studies