The Ks=0 -bands in even uranium nuclei were studied in the compound reactions 23apa(p, 2n)Z3~ 23~ 2n)Z32'z34u and 2a6U(d, pn)Z36U. In-beam y-rays were measured in coincidence with conversion-electrons, which were detected with an iron-free orange spectrometer. The negative-parity levels are observed up to intermediate spins (I<13-). In addition, the 1-and 3-levels in 23~ were confirmed by a decay study with an isotope separated 23~ source. For the heavier isotopes (A > 232) the properties of the K~= 0-bands (energies and 7-branchings) are consistent with a vibrational character of these bands. For 23~ the K s= 0-band lies at rather low energy (E(1-) = 367 keV), and the level spacings within this band are very similar to those of the isotones 228Th and 226Ra, which might indicate the onset of a stable octupole deformation.