The reaction 58Ni(36Ar, 4p)9~has been studied at a beam energy of 149 MeV. A detector array consisting of the OSIRIS spectrometer (12 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors), four charged-particle AE detectors and seven NE-213 neutron detectors at the VICKSI accelerator in Berlin has been used to measure the gamma radiation in 77-and particle-77-coincidence mode. An additional Ge detector was placed at 162 ~ to the beam direction to provide information on DCO ratios. The level scheme of 9~ has been extended up to an excitation energy of about 12 MeV and probable spin 23ta. Some 70 transitions and 40 levels have been newly identified. Spin assignments have been proposed on the basis of measured DCO ratios. Shell model calculations in a model space consisting of the proton lf5/2, 2p3/2, 2pl/2, and 1 g9/2 orbits and the neutron 2pl/2, 1 g9/2, 1 g7/2, 2 d5/2, 2d3/a, and 3 Sl/2 orbits with some truncation were made for states above 9h and the predicted structure of these states is discussed.