Integral decay heat experiments can provide interesting feedback on particular nuclear data (decay data and fission yields mainly). After ensuring that the C/E discrepancies were mostly due to nuclear data discrepancies, a Bayesian inference approach can be applied. Nevertheless, the results strongly depend on the quality of the experiment and on our capability to estimate realistic experimental correlation matrices when considering several integral experiments in the assimilation process. A former study performed in 2019 was dedicated to the data assimilation of a large C/E dataset from the experimental validation database of fuel inventory calculations with the DARWIN2.3 package in order to provide feedback to the nuclear data evaluators. This paper is an attempt to exploit the General Electric decay heat experiments performed in the USA in the 1980s in order to confirm or not the trends on four particular cumulated fission yields: 235U(nth,f)133Cs, 235U(nth,f)137Cs, 239Pu(nth,f)106Ru and 239Pu(nth,f)144Ce.