By using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting assays in the presence of polyclonal antiserum raised against electrophoretically specific polypeptides of colorectal cancer nuclear polypeptides with M(r) of 35-40 kDa, we have identified p36 protein whose expression accompanies tumorigenesis of large intestine. Immunological analysis of 35 nuclear protein preparations has indicated expression of p36 antigen in nine of 11 right-sided (81.8%) and 21 of 24 (87.5%) left-sided colorectal tumor cases, but not in any control tissue samples. In this study, we have identified p36 antigen in two colon tumor cell lines, i.e., SW620 and HT29 as well. Fractionation experiments based on selective extraction of nuclei isolated from cancerous specimens, which enables their separation into chromatin, nuclear matrix and its subfraction, i.e., internal and peripheral matrix have revealed the concentration of this particular antigen in the internal matrix.