Internationalization the training programmes with inclusion of web-based training modules and students’ mobility access to the research facilities within the international initiative is a proposed mechanism to bring nuclear education to the new level in terms of attractiveness and quality. The paper discusses proposed nuclear-educating forums which could be international training courses, which are the complex of training modules containing practical exercises and theoretical training in both online format and traditional face-to-face sessions. Among foreign countries demostrating interest in Russian reactor facilities, there is a demand for training courses on the use of software to justify the safety and technical parameters of nuclear power plants based on different design: from classic VVER to advanced SMR technologies At the Rosatom Tech, the new format of regional courses are held on an annual basis within the framework of the technical cooperation project of Rosatom State Corporation and the IAEA on infrastructure development and safety assessment of VVER-type pressurized water reactors with the active use of Russian computational tools.