As part of the Department of Energy's Light Water Reactor Sustainability (DOE/LWRS) program, we are developing time-independent material models based on tensile tests and time-dependent material models based on cyclic tests for different reactor materials, such as 316 stainless steel (SS), 508 lowalloy steel (LAS) base metal, 316 SS-316 SS similar metal welds, and 316 SS-508 LAS dissimilar metal welds. Also, materials models are being developed under different environmental conditions, such as in air (at room temperature and 300 o C) and PWR primary loop water (at 300 o C). In our previous work, we presented time-dependent material models for 316 SS base metals [15][16][17]. In this report, we present tensile and fatigue test results and associated material models under different test and environmental conditions for 508 LAS base metal and 316 SS-316 SS similar metal welds.