The glycoconjugate pattern of developing ovarian follicles in wild and cultured Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis was investigated by means of lectin histochemistry. Ovaries from cultured fish contained oocytes up to the late vitellogenic stage, whereas they reached the hydration stage in wild specimens. The follicular cells bound MAL II, SBA, HPA, DBA, Con A, KOH-sialidase (K-s)-WGA, GSA I-B(4) in the late vitellogenic stage, and in wild fish also SNA and K-s-PNA, whereas in the hydration stage SBA, HPA, DBA, and GSA I-B(4) only. The zona radiata reacted with SBA, HPA, DBA, Con A, and GSA I B(4) in the late vitellogenic stage and in cultured fish also with UEA I, whereas in the hydration stage it stained with SBA only. The cortical alveoli bound SBA, HPA, RCA(120) during the late vitellogenic stage, also SNA, PNA, K-s-PNA, GSA I-B(4) in cultured fish, DBA, and K-s-WGA in wild ones which stained with SBA, HPA, and GSA I-B(4) in the hydrated stage. The yolk reacted with Con A in the late vitellogenic oocytes, and also with MAL II, SNA, K-s-PNA, SBA, HPA, K-s-WGA, GSA I-B(4), UEA I in the hydrated ones. From perinucleolus to late vitellogenic stages, the oocyte nucleoplasm bound Con A, GSA I-B(4), GSA II, UEA I, and in wild fish also MAL II, SNA, LTA but only GSA I-B(4) reactivity in the early maturation stage. These findings demonstrate that the glycan pattern of fish ovarian follicles changes during the maturative stages and that it is affected by culture-rearing conditions.