Xn expression is derived for the broadening of the components of the quartet obtained for the n.m.r. spectrum of nuclei coupled to a nucleus of spin 3/2 undergoing electric quadrupole relaxation. I t is shown that the Flg spectra of BF3 and C103F a t various temperatures may be satisfactorily interpreted by means of this expression. Activation energies for molecular reorientation of 1.4 kcal/mole for BF3 and 1.0 lical/mole for C103F are obtained.
INTRODCCTIONIn general, the spectra of protons or fluorine nuclei spin-spin coupled to a nucleus of spin I (where I > 1/2) mould be expected to have a multiplet structure of 2 I + 1 lines.Often, however, since nuclei with a spin I greater than 1/2 have quadrupole moments which usually couple strongly, by means of ~nolecular reorientations, to local electric fields, relaxation of the nucleus having the quadrupole moment occurs and the multiplet structure of the H1 or F19 resonance is collapsed to a single line. The expected multiplet structure will therefore be seen only if the high-spin nucleus has a sinall quadrupole moment or if the high-spin nucleus is in an environment which is highly symmetric electrically. Examples of the first case are the proton spectra of diborane (1, 2) and ammonia (3), B1l and having relatively small nuclear quadrupole moments (4); examples of the second case are the fluorine spectra of iLIoF6 (5) and of SFs (6), lTog6, &log7, and having relatively large quadrupole inoments but being situated in highly symmetric environments.While the general cases of very slow relaxation and very rapid relaxation have been treated by various authors (7, 8, 9), the case of an intermediate rate of relaxation which gives rise to a partially collapsed multiplet has been treated only for I = 1 (8).THEORY A spin of 3/2 can exist in the states m = 3/2, 1/2, -1/2, -3/2. Pople (8) has derived a series of expressions for the transition probabilities due to quadrupole relaxation which can be summarized as follows: the probability that a nucleus in state m will undergo a 1 quantum transition (i.e., t o state m & l ) is and for the 2 quantum transition the probability is where e = the charge on an electron eq = the electric field gradient a t the nucleus eQ = the quadrupole l~loinent of the nucleus T, = the correlation time for molecular reorientation