The energy level scheme for the low-lying collective levels of "Mg are reasonably described by an asymmetric rotor with P, = 0.52 and y = 22 . To further investigate possible triaxial structures in "Mg, we have measured elastic and inelastic scattering angular distributions for excitation of the lowest three excited states in "Mg at an "0 bombarding energy of 67 MeV in the angular range 8, = 10-65'. The measured cross sections have been analyzed using coupled channels calculations assuming that '"Mg behaves as (1) a symmetric rotor and (2) a triaxial rotor.Because of the fact that the 2, + and 4+, states in "Mg are unresolved, difficulty occurs in distinguishing between the two models. Considering "Mg to be a triaxial rotor, however, does yield a simple description of the bound states and scattering to the low-lying collective levels.NUCLEAR REACTIONS +Mg( 0, 0)+Mg* elastic and inelastic scattering Q =0. 00, -1.37, -4.12, and -4.23 Mev at E( O) =67 MeV. Measured 0', l (0) and +inel (8) for 8c.m. 10-65', calculated oel(~) and o inel (~) using coupled channels and symmetric and triaxial rotor models.