Ќ These authors contributed equally to this work. P latinum-based bimetallic alloys are highly desirable for their potential in magnetic storage, sensing, and catalysis, 1Ϫ5 often displaying properties that are independent of their constituent materials. 6 In addition to changes in the geometric distribution of the individual atoms, the unique structure and bonding in bimetallics can also lead to alterations in the electronic structure of the material. For example, PtNi alloys show enhanced activity for oxygen reduction relative to pure Pt, 7 as do similar alloys, including Pt 3 Co.8 However, bimetallic nanomaterials are not as well-understood outside of singlecrystalline studies or theoretical modeling, and the practical application of more complex nanostructures is further complicated by factors such as varied growth conditions, the presence of surface stabilizing agents, and the increased surface-to-volume ratio of nanoscale materials. Bimetallic nanoparticles have even been shown to undergo dynamic metal segregation in response to oxidizing or reducing environments.
9As nanostructured systems increase in complexity, the potential for structural and compositional variations with respect to the individual components rises dramatically. Hybrid nanostructures, the combination of two or more nanoscale materials to form a new heterostructure, are being actively pursued for a number of applications, 10 including device integration and assembly, 11Ϫ13 chemical and biological sensing, 14,15 and photocatalysis. 16Ϫ23 In particular, the integration of a metallic component with an optically active semiconductor, directly in solution, can lead to novel materials that exhibit new functionalities that result from the coupling between the individual components. For example, photocatalytic heterostructures can promote efficient charge separation across a metalϪsemiconductor junction, followed by catalytic reaction at the surface of the metal component.The development of semiconductorϪ metal hybrid nanostructures for magnetic and catalytic applications requires a thorough understanding of the metallic structure, which is difficult to predict for a complex system where nucleation and growth proceeds on the tip of a semiconductor. In a previous communication, we reported the selective growth of Pt, PtCo, and PtNi nanoparticles on the tips of CdS rods in solution. 24 Here, we present a detailed analysis of the structural and magnetic properties of PtCoϪCdS hybrid structures in comparison to similar free-standing PtCo nanoparticles. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is utilized as a sensitive probe for identifying subtle differences in the local structure and composition of the hybrid materials, which can be difficult to discern using traditional analytical methods such as electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). While the electronic and atomic structures of noble metal-based bimetallic alloys and free-standing PtCo