The electrochemistry of Pb(II)/Pb on a stainless steel electrode during the preparation of lead wires from PbO in choline chloride (ChCl)-urea deep eutectic solvent (DES) was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry, cathodic polarization and chronoamperometry. The experimental results indicated that the reduction of Pb(II) to Pb is a quasi-reversible process controlled by diffusion at temperature varying from 323 to 343 K, and the corresponding apparent activation energy E a is 52.37 kJ mol -1 . The analysis of chro noamperometry measurements suggested that the initial stage of nucleation of lead on stainless steel electrode is a three dimensional instantaneous nucleation under diffusion control. The effects of reaction time and temperature on the morphology of lead deposits are also examined. The lead wires obtained at 343 K for 120 min have a mean particle size of 30 μm in length and 2.5 μm in diameter. Based on experimental evi dence, the deposition mechanism of sub micrometer lead wires on stainless steel substrate is proposed by dif fusion controlled growth mechanism.