Anhydro monosaccharide is as pecific and distinctive category of carbohydrates, which is found in many naturally deriveda nd artificial bioactive substrates. In the field of organic chemistry,s ome anhydro sugars can be used as common synthons to construct different carbohydrate structures. The development of efficient methodologies for the constructiono fv ariousa nhydro sugar fragments is very important in carbohydrate chemistry,w hich has attracted considerable attention in the past few years. This reviewm ainly covers the development of new synthetic methods since 2000 and gives an overview of the development in the formation of anhydro monosaccharide structures. It systematically summarizes all methodst oe stablish an intramolecular ether bridge in furanose and pyranose structures, which are the mostc ommonly used monosaccharide fragments in carbohydrate chemistry.