A nuclear protein, termed leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein (LANP), has been Isolated from among rat cerebellar proteins whose expression was transiently increased during an early stage ofpostnatal development. The amino acid sequence, deduced from its cDNA, showed that LANP contains 247 amino acids consisting of two distinct structural doains: the N-terminal domain characterized by "leucine-rich repeat," which is found in many eukaryotic proteins and which potentially functions in mediating protein-protein interactions, and the C-terminal domain characterized by a cduster of acidic amino acids with a putative nuclear loalization signal. Immunohistochemical study using an antibody against LANP revealed that the protein is localized mainly in nuclei of Purkinje cells. In the rat cerebellum on postnatal day 7, LANP mRNA was expressed moderately in the external granule and Purklije cells and weakly in the internal granule cells. The expression in these cells, especially in Purkinje cells, increased in the second postnatal week and thereafter decreased to an adult level. The structural characteristics, localization, and the stage-and cell type-specific expression suggest a potential role of LANP in a signal transduction pathway that directs differentiation of cerebellar neurons.Morphogenesis of the mammalian central nervous system is a dynamic cellular process that includes neuronal proliferation, differentiation and migration, synaptogenesis, and synaptic rearrangement (1, 2). Several lines of evidence suggest that these morphogenetic changes result from a series of molecular events programed at a transcriptional or posttranscriptional level, such as the control of the expression of proteins during development or posttranslational modifications of expressed proteins frequently by reversible phosphorylation (3-5). Thus, one of the crucial approaches to study the morphogenetic process at the molecular level is to explore molecules that play pivotal roles in the development of the nervous system.Murine cerebellum is suitable for such an experimental analysis because (i) the cerebellum has a highly ordered geometric organization composed of a relatively small number of neuronal populations and much information has been accumulated on the development of its neuronal circuits (1, 2); (ii) mutant animals with defects of the cerebellum have become available, which enables investigation of relationships among biochemical, morphological, and physiological changes; and (iii) most of the morphogenetic changes in the murine cerebellar cortex are the early postnatal events (1, 2). On the basis of protein maps obtained by two-dimensional (2D) HPLC (6) and 2D electrophoresis (2D PAGE) we screened several hundred proteins with respect to their temporal profiles of expression during the development and identified a group of proteins whose expression transiently reached a maximum level within the first 3 postnatal weeks, the period that is most critical for murine cerebellar morphogenesis. One of those proteins, termed "V-1...