We study the heavy quarkonium within the basis light-front quantization approach. We implement the one-gluon exchange interaction and a confining potential inspired by light-front holography. We adopt the holographic light-front wavefunction (LFWF) as our basis function and solve the non-perturbative dynamics by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian matrix. We obtain the mass spectrum for charmonium and bottomonium. With the obtained LFWFs, we also compute the decay constants and the charge form factors for selected eigenstates. The results are compared with the experimental measurements and with other established methods.including the electron anomalous magnetic moment [16,17], non-linear Compton scattering [18,19] and the positronium spectrum [20,21]. In this paper, we apply the BLFQ approach to the heavy quarkonium.Working with the full QCD Hamiltonian is a formidable task. In practice, we truncate the Fock space to a finite number of particles. The leading-order truncation |qq + |qqg introduces the one-gluon exchange which produces correct short-distance physics as well as the spin-dependent interaction needed for the fine and hyperfine structures. The Abelian version of this interaction was extensively used in the literature [20,[22][23][24][25] to calculate the QED bound-state spectrum in LFD. However, the one-gluon exchange itself is not sufficient to reproduce the hadron spectrum since confinement is also needed. Holographic QCD provides an appealing approximation to confinement.