Abstract. An addition chain for n is defined to be a sequence (a 0 , a 1 , . . . , ar) such that a 0 = 1, ar = n, and, for any 1 ≤ k ≤ r, there exist 0 ≤ i, j < k such that a k = a i + a j ; the number r is called the length of the addition chain. The shortest length among addition chains for n, called the addition chain length of n, is denoted ℓ(n). The number ℓ(n) is always at least log 2 n; in this paper we consider the difference δ ℓ (n) := ℓ(n) − log 2 n, which we call the addition chain defect. First we use this notion to show that for any n, there exists K such that for any k ≥ K, we have ℓ(2 k n) = ℓ(2 K n) + (k − K). The main result is that the set of values of δ ℓ is a well-ordered subset of [0, ∞), with order type ω ω . The results obtained here are analogous to the results for integer complexity obtained in [1] and [3]. We also prove similar well-ordering results for restricted forms of addition chain length, such as star chain length and Hansen chain length.