Assessment and analysis of soil slope stability is an important part of geotechnical engineering at all times. This paper examines the assessment of soil slope stability in fine-grained soils. The effect of change in shear strength (τ), shear stress (σ) and slope angle (β) on the factor of safety has been studied. It correlates shear strength with slope angle and shear stress by considering the horizontal seismic coefficients in both saturated and unsaturated conditions. The slope failure surface was considered a circular slip surface. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and Slide, numerical modeling software and limit equilibrium slope stability analysis software, respectively, are used to find out the correlations between the three basic parameters. The slope angle varied from 70 to 88 degrees, which are the most critical values for slope angles, and a total of 200 analyses were performed. τ, β and σ are correlated, and the correlations are provided in the results section. The results indicate that the correlations developed between the parameters have a very close relationship. The applicability of the developed equations is above 99%. These correlations are applicable in any type of soil slope stability analysis, where the value of shear strength and factor of safety is required with the variation of slope angle and shear stress.