In a high-power electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system for plasma heating, a long-distance and low-loss transmission system of the millimeter wave is required. A real-time monitor of the millimeter-wave beam position and its intensity profile, which can be used in a high-power, evacuated, and cooled transmission line, is proposed, designed, manufactured, and tested. The beam-position and profile monitor (BPM) consists of a reflector, Peltier-device array, and a heat-sink, which is installed in the reflector-plate of a miterbend. The BPM was tested using both simulated electric heater power and high-power gyrotron output power. The profile obtained from the monitor using the gyrotron output was well agreed with the burn patter on a thermal sensitive paper. Methods of data analysis and mode-content analysis of a propagating millimeter-wave in the corrugated waveguide are proposed.