We construct, unconditionally and in a very general setting, a canonical family of elements in the reduced exterior power lattices of unit groups of global fields. We show these elements generalise cyclotomic elements and we determine their detailed arithmetic properties. We are thereby led to the formulation of refined versions of Stark's conjectures on the values at zero of Artin L-series and, in several important cases, we provide concrete evidence in support of these refinements. Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. The aim of this article 1.2. The main contents 1.3. Acknowledgements 2. Non-commutative algebra 2.1. Whitehead orders and reduced exterior powers 2.2. Bimodules and functors 3. Weil elements 3.1. The general construction 3.2. Cyclotomic units as Weil elements 3.3. Properties over locally-Gorenstein orders 3.4. Unramified extensions 4. Weil elements and Selmer groups 4.1. Statement of the main result 4.2. A decomposition result 4.3. The proofs of Theorem 4.3 and Corollary 4.5 5. Stark elements 5.1. Equivariant derivatives of L-series 5.2. Generalised Stark elements 5.3. From Generalised Stark elements to Weil elements 6. Special cases 6.1. Totally real fields 6.2. CM fields 6.3. Function fields 6.4. Chinburg-Stark elements References