In advance of building moored floating offshore platforms, in recent years, there has been a greater demand for two-way coupled simulations between a motion solver based on the viscous flow theory and a mooring line model, including cable dynamics. This paper introduces open-source libraries such as MoorDyn (the lumped-mass mooring line model) and OpenFOAM (the computational fluid dynamics libraries). It describes the methods by which they can be coupled bi-directionally. In each time step, the platform motions calculated by OpenFOAM are transferred to MoorDyn as the boundary conditions for the mooring system analysis. In contrast, MoorDyn calculates the restoring force and moment due to the mooring system and transfers them to OpenFOAM. The restoring force and moment act on the platform as the external force and moment for the platform motions in the next time step. The static tension and profile of the mooring system, dynamic tension of the mooring system, and free decay motions of the floating buoy in the still water were simulated to check the accuracy of OpenFOAM and MoorDyn. The coupled solver was used to produce simulations of the moored decay motions of the floating buoy in the still water and the moored motions with the Stokes 5th order wave. All simulation results were compared and showed good agreement with the numerical solution and experiment results. In addition, the characteristics of each solver were investigated.