The different flow regimes occurring for increasing Reynolds number (Re) in a arrow-shaped micro-mixer operated for liquid mixing are investigated by the synergic use of experimental flow visualizations and direct numerical simulations. The tilting angle of the arrow-mixer inlet channels with respect to those of the T-shaped mixer is α = 20 • . Consistently with previous studies in the literature, it is found that the onset of the engulfment regime, and consequently the sharp increase of the degree of mixing between the two flow streams, occurs at a lower Reynolds number than for a T-mixer operating in the same conditions. However, in contrast to what observed for T-mixers, the degree of mixing does not increase monotonically with Re. In fact, at approximately Re = 150, based on the inlet bulk velocity and the hydraulic diameter of the mixing channel, there is a drop of the mixing degree. This is due to a change in the topology of the vorticity field, and, in particular to the presence of a unique vortical structure in the mixing channel instead of two co-rotating ones typical of the engulfment regime. By further increasing the Reynolds number, the so originated vortical structure in the mixing channel grows in size, and eventually starts to oscillate, leading again to an increase of the degree of mixing, starting from Re 170. Additional simulations have been carried in order to investigate the sensitivity to the tilting angle of the inlet channels, namely for α = 10 • , 15 • , 25 • . As expected, it is found that the value of Re at which the engulfment regime occurs decreases with increasing α. Then, for α = 10 • and 15 • , the degree of mixing monotonically increases with the Reynolds numbers and the flow topology in the whole engulfment regime is practically the same as for T-mixers. Conversely, the configuration with α = 25 • shows a behavior of mixing and of flow features with increasing Reynolds number very similar to those observed for α = 20 • . therefore, a careful control of the operating conditions is needed for these configurations.