Assuming square, hexagonal, and random packed arrays of nonoverlapping identical parallel cylindrical voids dispersed in an aluminum matrix, we have calculated numerically the concentration dependence of the transverse Poisson's ratios. It was shown that the transverse Poisson's ratio of the hexagonal and random packed arrays approached 1 upon increasing the concentration of voids while the ratio of the square packed array along the principal continuation directions approached 0. Experimental measurements were carried out on rectangular aluminum bricks with identical cylindrical holes drilled in square and hexagonal packed arrays. Experimental results were in good agreement with numerical predictions. We then demonstrated, based on the numerical and experimental results, that by varying the spatial arrangement of the holes and their volume fraction, one can design and manufacture voided materials with a tailored Poisson's ratio between 0 and 1. In practice, those with a high Poisson's ratio, i.e., close to 1, can be used to amplify the lateral responses of the structures while those with a low one, i.e., close to 0, can largely attenuate the lateral responses and can therefore be used in situations where stringent lateral stability is needed.