In this paper, a hybrid wave energy converter (WEC) is proposed, consisting of a fixed 3 inverted flume with long length and a bottom hole, and a long floating cube hinged with the 4 flume. The inverted flume and the long floating cube works as an oscillating water column 5(OWC) and a rotational float, respectively, to capture power from incident waves. To study the 6 performance of this hybrid WEC, analytical solution of the wave diffraction/radiation problems, 7considering the hydrodynamic interaction between the OWC and the float, is derived based on 8 linear potential flow theory and eigen-function expansion matching method in the two-9dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems. The corresponding hydrodynamic coefficients, such as 10 wave excitation forces, added mass and wave radiation damping, are also obtained, which can be 11further used in evaluation of the maximum theoretical power absorption of the hybrid WEC. 12Results are compared with a parallel study of an isolated OWC and an isolated float. 13Additionally, analytical study on power capture capability of the device for various geometrical 14parameters is then carried out. 15