The conservative form of the unsteady NavierStokes equations in terms of vorticity and stream function in generalized curvilinear coordinates are used to analyze the flow structure of steady separation and unsteady flow with massive separation. The numerical method solves the discretized equations using an ADI-BGE method. The applied to a symmetric 12 percent thick Joukowski airfoil. A conformal clustered grid is generated; several 1-D stretching transformations are used to obtain a grid that attempts to resolve many of the multiple scales of the unsteady flow with massive separation, while maintaining the transformation metrics to be smooth and continuous in the entire flow field. Detailed numerical results are obtained for three flow configurations (1) Re = 1000, a = 5°, (ii) Re = 1000, a -15°, (iii) Re -10,000, a = 5°.Ho artificial dissipation was added; however, lack of a fine grid in the normal direction has presently led to results which are considered qualitative, especially for case (iii).