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ForewordProviding a dust-free inlet air to the internal combustion engines of motor vehicles and machines, and thus reducing wear and improving component life, always was and still is a major operational and design issue, in particular for vehicles operating in heavy-duty terrain and high dust concentration conditions (about 1 g/m 3 ) [2, 10, 12, 18,20, 30]. It generally applies to special vehicles, including military vehicles with high-power diesel engines with a maximum air demand Q Sil over 1 kg/s, e.g.: Q Sil = 1.21 kg/s, (3,400 m 3 /h) for T-72 tank engine and Q Sil = 2.15 kg/s (6,000 m 3 /h) for Leopard 2 tank engine. At dust concentration level s = 1 g/m 3 , specific to the vehicles used on testing grounds, the engines of those tanks draw in a stream of dust at 0.94 g/s and 1.67 g/s, respectively. Two-stage air filters in a multi-cyclone -porous panel filter configuration (usually made of paper filter element or non-woven fabric filter element) are used to remove the dust mass, with particle size <100 µm [2,4, 10], from the inlet air stream. The concept of using two-stage filters consists in initial separation of large dust particles in an inertial filter (multi-cyclone) and leaving small dust particles (d z < 15÷30 µm) in the air stream and separating small air particles (above d z = 2÷5 µm) in the panel air filter - Fig. 1.The time in which the air filtration system reaches permissible air filter flow resistance ∆p fdop (5÷8 kPa) is significantly longer compared DZIUBAK T. The effects of dust extraction on multi-cyclone and non-woven fabric panel filter performance in the air filters used in special vehicles. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc -Maintenance and Reliability 2016; 18 (3): 348-357,
Tadeusz DZIUBAKThe effecTs of dusT exTracTion on mulTi-cyclone and non-woven fabric panel filTer performance in The air filTers used in special vehicles wpływ odsysania pyłu na charakTerysTyki mulTicyklonu i włókninowej przegrody filTracyjnej filTru powieTrza pojazdu specjalnego*