Effectivity of The 6 Steps Reasoning Diagnosis Method and Intan's ClinicalReasoning Model (ICRM) in Nursing Care Standard Determination on Maternity Nursing Setting. Nurses doing their task and function need to have a standard to be able to be controlled, to be paid, to be taught, to be applied, and to be a hospital legal decision, thus the arrangement of the standard should be adjusted according to patient and hospital condition. The nursing care standard arrangement with ISDA and ICRM approach will be tested in this study. This study aimed to identify nursing diagnosis with The 6 steps of diagnostic reasoning method, to identify NIC, NOC and to test effectivity of the arranged nursing care standard. Methods: Stage I: identify nursing diagnosis in the six most prevalent cases patients in the ward using the six steps. Stage II: according to the nursing diagnosis that has been identified researcher decides NIC choice using Intan's Clinical Reasoning Model (ICRM), then selected NOC and NIC be tested its effectivity using t-test analysis. Stage I result shows that using the 6 steps of diagnostic reasoning method in section caesarean patients researcher identifies 13 diagnoses, 9 diagnoses in spontaneous birthing, 7 diagnoses in antepartum hemorrhage, 2 diagnoses in postpartum hemorrhage, 7 diagnoses in preeclampsia/ eclampsia, 4 diagnoses in early amniotic membrane rupture, 36 (94.4%) NOCs identification and 28 (93.3%) NICs are applicative. Meanwhile, on stage II which is to test the nursing care standard effectivity, 16 nursing care standard are effective with p-value<0.05.
Keywords: Diagnoses, NOC, NIC, Maternity
Abstrak: Efektifitas The 6 Steps Reasoning Diagnosis Method dan Intan,s Clinical Reasoning Model (ICRM) dalam Penentuan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (SAK) pada SettingKeperawatan Maternitas. Perawat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya perlu memiliki suatu standar agar dapat dikontrol, dibiayai, diajarkan, dapat diaplikasikan dan menjadi kebijakan rumah sakit, oleh karena itu penyusunan standar harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasien dan Rumah Sakit. Penyusunan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (SAK) dengan pendekatan ISDA dan ICRM akan diujicobakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengidentifikasi diagnosa keperawatan dengan pendekatan The 6 steps of diagnostic reasoning method, Mengidentifikasi NIC, NOC dan menguji efektifitas SAK yang disusun. Methode yang digunakan: Tahap I: Mengidentifikasi diagnosa keperawatan pada klien kasus 6 terbesar di Ruangan dengan menggunakan 6 steps.Tahap II : Berdasarkan diagnosa keperawatan yang teridentifikasi ditentukan pilihan NIC dengan menggunakan Intan's Clinical Reasoning Model (ICRM, selanjutnya NOC dan NIC terpilih dinilai efektifitasnya dengan menggunakan analisis t test. Hasil penelitian tahap I menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan The 6 steps of diagnostic reasoning method pada klien seksio caessarea teridentifikasi 13 diagnosa, persalinan spontan 9 diagnosa, perdarahan antepartum 7 diagnosa, perdarahan post partum 2 diagnosa, preeklamps...