Our ability to predict effects of changing soil nitrogen (N) in Arctic tundra has been limited by our poor understanding of the intra-annual variability of soil N in this strongly seasonal ecosystem. Studies have shown that microbial biomass declines in spring accompanied by peaks in inorganic nutrients. However, subsequent to this early pulse, there are few high temporal resolution measurements during the growing season. We hypothesized that (1) low N would be maintained throughout the growing season, (2) peaks of total free primary amines (TFPA), ammonium (NH 4 + ), and nitrate (NO 3 − ) would follow a sequential pattern driven by mineralization and nitrification, and (3) a peak in soil N would occur as plants senesce. We conducted weekly measurements of TFPA, NH 4 + , and NO 3 − in two tundra sites, from soil thaw in spring to freeze in fall. At each site, NH 4 + peaks were followed by smaller peaks in NO 3 − , supporting the hypothesis that excess NH 4 + would be nitrified. Furthermore, peaks in NH 4 + were observed both shortly after leaf expansion and at plant senescence. The variation in timing between sites and the peaks in NH 4 + subsequent to thaw indicates that nutrient limitation in these ecosystems is more dynamic and spatially variable than previously thought.Key words: nitrogen availability, nitrogen mineralization, seasonality, moist acidic tundra, total free primary amines.Résumé : Notre capacité à prévoir les effets de l'azote (N) changeant dans les sols de la toundra arctique a été limitée par notre compréhension insuffisante de la variabilité au cours d'une même année de N des sols dans cet écosystème fortement saisonnier. Les études ont montré des baisses de biomasses microbiennes au printemps accompagnées de pics dans les substances nutritives inorganiques. Cependant, subséquemment à cette première pulsation, il y a peu de mesures de résolution temporelle élevée pendant la saison de croissance. Nous avons formulé l'hypothèse (1) qu'un faible niveau de N serait maintenu au cours de la saison de croissance, (2)