10842Design, performances optimization and validation centered on users requirements for African locust bean seeds dehusker "Parkia biglobosa" ABSTRACT Objectives: The dehulling of precooked locust bean seed is a hard work for women producers of afitin (also called dawadawa, iru, soumbala). The aim of this study is to develop a high-performance huller of pre-baked locust bean seeds, optimization and validation of its performance according to the user-centered approach. Methodology and results: The optimization is carried out by means of a factorial experimental design. The values of the characteristic variables retained being those of the traditional method of dehulling, due to the qualities of its final product. The obtained results, under optimal running conditions (speed: 666 rpm, hopper opening diameter: 116 mm), showed that, apparatus output performances met the established compulsory criteria by African locust bean seeds processors into afitin for dehusker adoption. At these optimum conditions, the equipment has the following performances: dehulling index (0.91), shelling rate (96.27%), breakage rate (1.47%), shelling yield (50.35%), hourly capacity (773 kg/h). Conclusions and application of the result: The results confirm the excellent performance delivered by the realized dehuller. Performance parameters appear quite interesting and optimum values and in line with the aspirations expressed by the women before its adoption. This equipment, better than the traditional method, significantly improves the quality work of locust bean seeds transformers into afitin. Thus, the optimum value of the husking rate to the grate speed of 666 rpm and the diameter of the hopper 116 mm is equal to 96.27%. These process conditions lead to a breaking rate of cotyledons is 1.47 ; less than 70% that of the reference value. One of the crucial requirements of African locust beans processors is satisfied at this level. In the same trend, it is noted that the optimal value of the hulling yield is 4.16% higher than that of the reference value (48%). This study allows us to offer an efficient dehuller the processors. This equipment must be disseminated.