Citation of This ArticleGhahremani A, Sadeghi AA, Hesaraki S, Chamani M, Shawrang P: Effect of energy sources and levels on caecal microbial population, jejunal morphology, gene expression of jejunal transporters (SGLT1, FABP) and performance of broilers under heat stress. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23 (3): 415-422, 2017415-422, . DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2016
AbstractThe present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of energy sources and levels on microbial population, jejunal morphology, gene expression of glucose transporter (SGLT1), fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and performance in broilers under heat stress. In a completely randomized design, 600 one-day-old Cobb broiler chickens were assigned to five dietary treatments and four replicates. Chicks were fed diet based on corn as main energy source and energy level based on Cobb standard considered as control (C), corn based diet with 3% lesser energy than control (T1), corn based diet with 6% lesser energy than control (T2), corn and soybean oil based diet according to Cobb standard (T3), corn and soybean oil based diet with 3% upper energy than control (T4). Temperature was increased to 34°C for 8 hours daily from day 21 to 41 to induce heat stress. Chickens in T3 and T4 had higher Lactobacillus population and lower Escherichia coli population than C group (P<0.05). Chickens in T1 and T2 had shorter jejunal villi, deeper crypts, and lower villus height: crypt depth than those fed C, T3 and T4 diets (P<0.05). There were no significant differences among treatments for gene expression of both nutrient transporters (P>0.05). Chickens in T3 and T4 had higher weight gain compared to C, T1 and T2 (P<0.05). Feed intake in T3 was lower than C, consequently, feed conversion ratio of chicks fed T3 was better than C group (P<0.05). In conclusion, replacement a part of dietary energy source with soybean oil might improve intestinal parameters and performance of broilers under heat stress.
Keywords: Energy, Lipid, Intestinal morphology, Transporter, Broiler
Isı Stresi Altında Enerji Kaynakları ve Seviyelerinin Sekum Mikrobiyal Popülasyonuna, Jejunum Morfolojisine, Jejunal Transporterlerin (SGLT1, FABP) Gen Ekspresyonuna ve Broiler Performansına EtkileriÖzet Bu çalışma; enerji kaynakları ve seviyelerinin ısı stresi altında mikrobiyal popülasyona, jejunum morfolojisine, glukoz transporteri (SGLT1) ve yağ asitleri bağlayıcı protein (FABP) gen ekspresyonlarına ve broiler performansına etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Rastgele örneklemeyle, 600 adet 1 günlük Cobb broiler civciv, 4 tekrar olmak üzere 5 farklı beslenme uygulanmasına alındı. Civcivler ana enerji kaynağı olarak mısıra dayalı diyetle beslendi. Kontrol grubuna (C) bazal seviyede Cobb standardına göre yem verilirken, T1 grubuna kontrole göre %3 daha düşük enerjili yem, T2 grubuna kontrole göre %6 daha düşük enerjili yem, T3 grubuna Cobb standardına göre mısır ve soya fasulyesi yağı tabanlı diyet ve T4 grubuna kontrole göre %3 daha fazla enerjili mısır ve soya fasulyesi yağı tabanlı diyet uygulandı. I...