Benue State is endowed with numerous varieties of useful plants whose fruits, seeds, roots, stems and leaves serve important roles in nutrition but unfortunately many of these plants have not been put to maximum use. The neglect of these forest food plants is attributed to inadequate information on their nutritional potential to serve as food. The broad objective of the study was to examine the nutritional composition of Vitellaria paradoxa fruits, Cissus populnea stem, Afzelia africana seeds, Parkia biglobosa seeds and Prosopis africana seeds. Carbohudrate content was found to be the most abundant nutrient in all the plant species studied when compared with other nutrients. The highest carbohydrate content (58.22±0.2%) was found in Cissus populnea stem followed by carbohydrate content in Afzelia africana seeds (51.36±0.01%). The least carbohydrate content of 35.68±0.06% was found in the fruits of Vitellaria paradoxa. There were significant variations in the concentrations of nutrients screened from the 5 selected plants at p>0.05 level. Proximate analysis showed that Vitellaria paradoxa fruits, Cissus populnea stem, Afzelia africana seeds, Parkia biglobosa seeds and Prosopis africana seeds were good sources of minerals such as Calcium,Magnesium, Potassium, iron and Chlorine. Potassium had the highest concentration in all the plant species when compared with other nutrients. The highest Potassium content (32.92±0.59%) was found in Vitellaria paradoxa fruits followed by Potassium content of 25.15±0.07% in Afzelia africana seeds. However, Potassium content between Prosopis africana seeds (15.77±0.81%) and Cissus populnea stem (15.77±0.61%) were not significantly different. The least concentration of Potassium was found in Parkia biglobosa seeds (8.03±0.11%). The mean quantities of minerals found in the plant species that were screened differ significantly at P<0.05 level. It was concluded that Vitellaria paradoxa fruits, Cissus populnea stem, Afzelia africana seeds, Parkia biglobosa seeds and Prosopis africana seeds were good sources of nutrients and major minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and chlorine. Diabetic persons need to be careful about the consumption of these plant species. It was recommended that efforts should be made to conserve and protect these plant species through domestication as they are rich sources of nutrients.