Abstract:The effect of incorporating hydrothermally processed watermelon whole seeds in the diet of fish was investigated on growth, feed utilization and body composition of carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings. Fish diets (35% crude protein) were formulated using water melon hydrothermally processed for 0 (DT1), 10 (DT2), 20(DT3), 30 (DT4) and 40 minutes (DT5) boiling time. Twenty fingerlings (1.50±0.00g each) were randomly allocated in triplicate to 70 liters plastic bowls, for each treatments, aeration was provided to culture bowls throughout the 12weeks feeding trial.Result of the study reveals that fish fed DT 4 (30 minutes) had the best performance in terms of mean weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed conversion efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, apparent net protein utilization and specific growth rate (P>0.05). Hence, hydrothermal processing of watermelon seeds for 30minutes is recommended for better growth in C. carpio.