This study is intended to assess and compare the effectiveness of BFP and BCM as reconstruction materials in treating oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF).
Materials and Methods:
This study comprised twenty patients of 20 and 60 years who were clinically diagnosed with OSMF. All patients were subjected to fibrotomy with reconstruction under general anesthesia. In all the patients, following fibrotomy reconstruction was done using the buccal pad of fat on the left and with the collagen membrane on the right. The temporal muscle insertions were released, and coronoidectomy was performed as and when required. Any third molars if present were removed. All patients were feeded for 7 days by Ryle's tube and were on intravenous antibiotics for 5 days. Clinical evaluation was done at periodic intervals of 7, 30, 90, and 180 days postoperatively for mouth opening, burning, pain on mouth opening, and recurrence.
The mean age of patients was 27.3 years. A 12 mm was mean preoperative mouth opening. Intraoperative mouth opening was 37 mm in all the patients and maintained at 36 mm at the 6
-month postoperative period. No significant difference was observed between both sides pertaining to pain on maximal mouth opening, burning sensation, or postoperative infection. However, there was a significant difference in the time taken for epithelization on both sides.
The results of this study reveal that both Buccal Pad of Fat (BPF) and BCM are viable reconstruction options, but BFP as a reconstruction material exhibited prompt epithelization with the lowest wound contracture.