Intimate partner violence is a complex problem that harms the lifestyle with profound changes in women's daily lives. This is an interdisciplinary research, with a qualitative approach, developed between July 2019 and February 2020, in a Reference Center for Women's Care in the city of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, with data collected through semi-structured interviews, applied to twelve women who experienced intimate partner violence. The results were systematized by the Collective Subject Discourse method and interpreted by methodological theoretical resources of Comprehensive Sociology and Everyday Life in Michel Maffesoli's sociological thought. The collective subject was between 32 and 56 years old, Black and Brown, low income, evangelical religion and complete higher school level. The content of the narratives originated three central synthesis ideas that comprised three collective discourses about the daily life of women before violence, daily life during violence and daily life after partner violence. The discourses describe daily transformations resulting from the tragic represented in childhood and adolescence by intrafamily violence and adulthood by intimate partner violence that resulted in the loss of freedom, autonomy, individuality, social relationships and material goods and gave rise to needs that transcend traditional care.