This thesis develops under Bakhtin's consideration (1997) [1952][1953] in which the individual style is connected with the enunciation and with the discourse genres and seeks to discuss such contiguous relationship based upon data derived from the construction process of texts written by secondary students. For Bakhtin, all and any discourse genre constitutes a particular style of enunciation, which he denominates functional style. The individual style is constructed within the socially shared styles. Therefore, there is a close connection between individual style and genre. Some genres, however, allow more stylistic contributions than others, as the typical case of literature. The greatest contribution this work can offer to the enrichment of the discussions carried out so far about the relationship between individual style and genre lies in the research material we possess.They are of a processual nature, what allows us to conduct an analysis that goes beyond the final product, the text. Citing the iceberg metaphor, we can affirm that the ultimate text is only the iceberg tip which hides the effect of the text's own genesis. Before arriving at the definitive text, the writer erases, substitutes, add words, phrases, whole paragraphs, tries new order, etc, procedures which, if recorded, could constitute privileged data for the understanding of the relationship between the writer and his text, as well as the discourse involving it. Moreover, they can be an important source of information in order to verify the presence of stylistic marks, both individual and generic, in school texts. Style, as we regard it, is the work of choices (Granger, 1968;Possenti, 1988) carried out in language. Bakhtin (op.cit.) emphasizes that these linguistic choices are thoroughly linked to the discourse genre used. Having analysed the data within Bakhtin's perspectives, we claim that the work with discourse genres is indeed the foundation and fundament of the stylistic works. In the thesis conclusion, we sought to consider the individual stylistic evidences found in the data analysis, as possible authorship traces, regarding Possenti's (2001Possenti's ( , 2002a authorship definition. He points out the 'singularization' along with 'position taking' as competences which would define authorship. Therefore, the concept would be associated to style, what allowed us to promote such discussion.