University extension is the educational, cultural and scientific processthat articulates the functions of teaching and research andenables the transforming relationship between the University andSociety. However, there are gains to the University that may notbe perceived trivially. The present work seeks to delve into whatthese returns to the University are, taking into consideration theguideline that proposes the Impact on Student Education. That said,this paper aims to map the social and emotional skills worked on inthe TIChers project, a university extension project of the AcademicDepartment of Informatics (DAINF) of the Federal TechnologicalUniversity of Paraná (UTFPR) Curitiba campus, a partner of the DigitalGirls program of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). To thisend, a survey was carried out with the people participating in theproject, also seeking to understand how they classify the sense ofbelonging and what is their engagement with the course/universityafter joining the project. Finally, to try to understand the resultsof University Extension in a broader context, the results of thisresearch will be related to papers that discuss socioemotional skillsin the context of University Extension.