Indispensable element to the physiological activities of living beings or as a means of life for an infinite number of plant and animal species, water is, probably, the single natural resource present in all aspects of human civilization, from agricultural and industrial development to cultural and religious demonstrations of society. Thus, action that might contribute to the improvement of a territorial planning and management of environmental resources are necessary to ensure indeed, the sustainable improvement from a competent planning and a democratic governance of the territory. In this sense, the principles of integrated environmental management of river basins happens to be relevant to such needs once it requires a systemic analysis of the corresponding territory, considering multiple anthropic and natural aspects, interdependent as multidimensional processes that take place in the context of river basins. This study aims to study the 10 Steps to Resilient Cities and indicators of the Sustainable Cities Program through an in -depth review of the literature on sustainability and urban resilience with a view to disaster risk reduction and the integrated management of urban territory. It has been realized that the 10 Steps to increase city resilience have been developed taking into account both resilience and sustainability and can only move to the next step if the previous one is successfully completed, an initiative that has great potential for application to the disaster risk reduction while the Sustainable Cities Program uses indicators to measure urban sustainability and the 12 thematic axes can be developed simultaneously. It was found that most of the indicators are effective for this purpose. However, several of them are very wide and more specific indicators should be formulated to improve their implementation. It is noteworthy that both programs must be continually reformulated and thus, certain thematic axes and indicators can arise only from the experience of municipalities during the execution of key actions. It was concluded that in order to address sustainability and urban resilience jointly by adopting only one initiative, it is possible to use the indicators of the Sustainable Cities Program as a way to measure them within each of the 10 steps for the construction of resilient cities to disasters.