Introduction the making of a stoma may result in adverse effects on the social and psychological dimensions, affecting relationships with family and friends, at work and in sexual activity.
Objective to analyze the perceptions of ostomized women regarding sexual activity as an important dimension of quality of life and in the care process.
Methods cross-sectional, descriptive epidemiological study. A sample of 40 patients enrolled in the Ostomized Patient Program of Health Secretariat of the Federal District – Brazil was assessed through a demographic and clinical questionnaire and personal interviews. Data were analyzed using the software programs Microsoft® Office Excel 2010 and SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social Sciences, SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA) for Windows 20.0. Statistical significance was set at 5%.
Results ostomized women face several adaptation and rehabilitation problems that interfere with social relationships and, consequently, with body image and self-esteem, which reflects on the sexual activity.
Conclusion the results show the need for health professionals involved with these patients to have a wider view on the making of the stoma, their sequelae and rehabilitation, to ensure the process of care that will improve the quality of life of ostomized women.