Perimenopause is the process of a gradual decline in the production of hormones by the female reproductive system, accompanied by various body changes. These changes cause both somatic and mental symptoms in women which vary in intensity, including inter alia vasomotor disorders and psychiatric issues. Urogenital atrophy and related sexual dysfunctions, as well as possible cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and musculoskeletal disorders, occur at a later period. Perimenopausal symptoms negatively affect women's everyday lives, their functions and professional responsibilities, as well as their family relations, in particular if their family show neither interest nor support, and their partner is unwilling to be of assistance. Menopause involves several somatic and mental changes in women. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity, may aggravate the condition of perimenopausal women. Women who lack a positive attitude frequently experience mental and somatic symptoms associated with menopause, exhibiting a lower esteem and low degree of satisfaction with life. Contemporary women are professionally and socially active. They value satisfaction, fitness and attractiveness. These are also the social norms they are subjected to in their communities, and by failing to conform, women risk being regarded as negligent. Furthermore, hormonal changes related to perimenopause cause somatic and mental symptoms. These occur in a highly individual manner, depending on the situation of a given woman. They may affect her self-esteem and satisfaction with life. The aim of the study is to present the impact of menopause on women's lives.