that I supervised during the last three years. They not only gave me the chance to develop and improve my teaching skills but also helped me with excellent questions and fruitful discussions.I would also like to thank Irene Böttcher-Gajewski who took professional pictures of my equipment used for the paper and this thesis.Not to forget, I am also grateful to my subjects, who participated in my experiment with never-ending patience and engagement. Also, I am very thankful to Renate Schweizer, Sabine Hofer, Tim Schweisfurth, and Cliodhna Quigley for proofreading parts of this thesis and supporting me with helpful comments.I would like to thank my personal environment that greatly helped me in finding a healthy work-life balance. I am greatly thankful to my amazing friends who helped me with both their strong encouragement and understanding for my work but also with great distraction from my work. For the latter, I also would like to thank all those who made my choirs Unicante and Procant not only possible but also a fun experience.My final and warmest thanks go to my family, mainly to my parents and my brother Tim. I would like to thank them for their complete understanding, their strong encouragement, and their everlasting love. Thank you for everything! xi