While observing the difficulties that parents experience in communicating with their adolescent children (for example, ignoring, misunderstanding, or underestimating the problems faced by teenagers, inability to build trust-based relationships, difficulties in discussing complex topics of interpersonal relationships, life choices, school problems, self-determination, etc.), the authors emphasized the need to search for methodological tools that can help overcome these problems of intergenerational communication through developing the culture of experience among parents. A film club for parents was chosen as a method. 30 parents of children (4–20 years old) watched a German TV series DRUCK (based on a Norwegian TV series SKAM) in Moscow from January to December 2020 offline and online. The functioning of this club was built over the methods of polylogue, non-judgmental interview, and amplification of sense. Observations, questionnaires, and interviews of the club members at the end of meetings allowed the authors to conclude the effectiveness of such a format for developing the culture of experience among parents and improving intergenerational relations. It was also proved that teen series have a great potential for developing the culture of experience among parents since they address topics relevant for teens and help observe the emotions and behavior of teens in a psychologically safe environment. Based on the study results, the authors developed methodological recommendations for organizing such film clubs and holding meetings for parents.