The general boundary formulation (GBF) of quantum theory is a new axiomatic formulation that has emerged as a powerful tool to describe the dynamics of quantum fields. Within the GBF we consider the Unruh effect by studying the relation between the quantum field theories of a massive scalar field in 2d Minkowski and Rindler spaces. In particular we underline the existence of an obstruction in the identification of the usual Minkowski vacuum state with a superposition of multiparticle states defined in Rindler space. However, we show that these two states can be related by comparing expectation values of Weyl observables with compact support on the right wedge of Minkowski space. Finally, the quantum state in Rindler space responsible for this local version of the Unruh effect results to be unique.Keywords: Unruh effect; general boundary formulation.The general boundary formulation (GBF) of quantum theory represents an extension of the standard formulation; it is based on two main ingredients: The mathematical framework of Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) and a generalization of the Born rule providing the probability interpretation 1,2 . As in TQFT, a set of axioms associates algebraic structures to geometric ones. In particular, state spaces (usually Hilbert spaces) are defined on hypersurfaces, i.e. oriented manifold of dimension d − 1, and amplitude maps are associated to space-time region, i.e. oriented manifold of dimension d, with boundaries. Such amplitude maps generalize the standard notion of transition amplitudes, usually defined for space-time regions bounded by Cauchy surfaces (in particular, by the disjoint union of an initial Cauchy surface and a final one). In the GBF, the boundary of the region where dynamics takes place is not required to be given by (the disjoint union of) Cauchy surfaces. Arbitrary hypersurfaces are admissible boundaries. For example, in Minkowski space a timelike connected hypersurface given by an hypercylinder (namely, a three ball in space extended over all of times) was considered in Ref. 3. The general interacting theory of a massive Klein-Gordon field defined in the hypercylinder region was shown to be equivalent with the one considered in the region bounded by two equal-Minkowski-time hyperplanes 4,5,a . In the hypercylinder region dynamics is not described in terms of an evolution from an initial state of the system defined at initial time to a final state at a final time. States on the hypercylinder (belonging to the Hilbert space associated to the hypercylinder hypersurface) are defined for all of times. Moreover, the connectedness of the hypersurface prevents an a priori a The same hypercylinder region considered in Anti-de Sitter space was used to propose a solution to the problem of defining the S-matrix of a field in Anti-de Sitter space where the lack of temporal asymptotic regions prevents the standard construction of the in− and out−states 6,7 . The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting Downloaded from by on 05/13/18....