Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to observe a misorientation of a graphite layer that is buried several layers below the surface. A nanoscale periodic pattern superimposed on the atomic graphite lattice has beenobserved. The appearance of the superperiodic features in the STM image is shown to be clearly tip-sample distance dependent. We suggest that a subsurface misorientation, several layers deep, causes a nanoscale moir e pattern, which can propagate to the surface and contributes to the STMimage. This result is rather surprising as STM is thought to be unable to image bulk defects. Key words: Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), layered materials, moir e pattern
IntroductionHighly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) is commonly used as a test and calibration standard in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) due to its unique properties: it is atomically at, easy to clean and relatively inert, even in air. These characteristics derive from the layered structure with van der Waals forces between the graphite layers and the honeycomb arrangement of the carbon atoms with strong covalent bondswithin the plane. The stacking sequence is ABAB:::, which is of signi cance for the interpretation of STM images of this material. Atoms on hollow sites (b-sites), but not the ones that have an atom directly underneath (a-sites), contribute to the STM image due to their higher density of states around the Fermi level. Therefore the atomic lattice seen with STM is a centered hexagon with a lattice constant of 2. A. This concept was rst discussed by Tom anek and Louie 1]. Superperiodic structures (SPS) of the graphite surface under di erent conditions and a wide range of periodicities have also been reported. Near defects in the surface layer or adatoms a p 3 p 3 structure was found, caused by a perturbation of the charge density in the vicinity of these defects (Friedel oscillations) 2{4]. There is another study of superstructures near grain boundaries which are caused by multiple tips scanning on di erent grains 5]. This results in an interference pattern of the signals from the multiple tip. Many groups have reported the observation of nanoscale size superperiodic features which are not caused by defects or tip e ects 6{12]. They are not topographic either but they are mostly explained by a rotation of a graphite layer with respect to the underlying crystal, resulting in a moir e pattern. The angle of this rotation should determine the periodicity S of the patterns following the suggestion of Kuwabara et al 7]: S = d 2 sin 2 , where d is the lattice constant. By resolving the orientation of the atomic graphite lattice of the top layer and the one underneath and measuring the angle of rotation between the two this theory has been shown to be valid by Rong et al 6]. Other reports indicate that superperiodic features were observed without any misorientation between the two topmost layers 13,14], but an explanation was not given. Several authors state that the superperiod...