* These authors contributed equally to this workThe fundamental properties of light derive from its constituent particles (photons) that are massless and do not interact with one another 1 . At the same time, it has been long known that the realization of coherent interactions between individual photons, akin to those associated with conventional massive particles, could enable a wide variety of unique scientific and engineering applications 2,3 . Here, by coupling light to strongly interacting atomic Rydberg states in a dispersive regime, we demonstrate a quantum nonlinear medium inside which individual photons travel as massive particles with strong mutual attraction, such that the propagation of photon pairs is dominated by a two-photon bound state 4-7 . We measure the dynamical evolution of the two-photon wavefunction using time-resolved quantum state tomography, and demonstrate a conditional phase shift 8 exceeding one radian, resulting in polarization-entangled photon pairs. Unique applications include all-optical switching, deterministic photonic quantum logic, and the generation of strongly correlated states of light 9 .Interactions between individual photons are being explored in cavity quantum electrodynamics, where a single, confined electromagnetic mode is coupled to an atomic system 10-12 . Our approach is to couple a light field propagating in a dispersive medium to highly excited atomic states with strong mutual interactions (Rydberg states) 13,14 . Similar to previous studies of quantum nonlinearities via Rydberg states that were based on dissipation 15-19 rather than dispersion 20 , we make use of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to slow down the propagation of light 21 in a cold atomic gas. By operating in a dispersive regime away from the intermediate atomic resonance (Fig. 1b), where atomic absorption is low and only weakly nonlinear 22 , we realize a situation where Rydberg-atom-mediated coherent interactions between individual photons dominate the propagation dynamics of weak light pulses. Previous theoretical studies have proposed various scenarios for inducing strong interactions between individual photons 2,3,23 and for creating bound states of a few quanta 4,5,7,24 , a feature generic to strongly interacting quantum field theories. The first experimental realization of a photonic system with strong attractive interactions, including evidence for a predicted two-photon bound state, represents the main result of this work.Our experiment (outlined in Fig. 1a) makes use of an ultracold rubidium gas loaded into a dipole trap, as described previously 19 . The probe light of interest is σ + polarized, coupling the ground state |g to the Rydberg state |r via an intermediate state |e of linewidth Γ/(2π) = 6.1 MHz by means of a control field that is detuned by ∆ below the resonance frequency of the upper transition |e → |r (Fig. 1b). Under these conditions, for a very weak probe field with mean incident photon rate R i = 0.5 µs −1 , EIT is established when the probe detuning matches...