We present physics opportunities and topics with the ss states (strangeonia) that can be studied with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider. Though the φ and η/η ′ states have long been established experimentally, only a handful of strangeonia are well known, in contrast to the rich cc charmoium system. An overview of the ss states and their experimental status is presented in this paper. The BESIII experiment has collected the world's largest samples of J/ψ, ψ(2S), ψ(3770), and direct e + e − annihilations at energies below the J/ψ and above 3.8 GeV, and will continue to accumulate high quality, large integrated luminosity in the τ -charm energy region. These data, combined with the excellent performance of the BE-SIII detector, will offer unprecedent opportunities to explore the ss system. In this paper we describe the experimental techniques to explore strangeonia with the BESIII detector.