The nucleation of the first order phase transition of superfluid 3 He-B from superfluid 3 He-A is quite remarkable since it requires a seed of the order of a micron. We have studied this nucleation for 3 He confined to a very dilute silica aerogel. This dirty superfluid behaves in a manner similar to previous reports for the pure superfluid. But we have discovered a novel magnetically driven nucleation switch acting on the pure superfluid B-phase. Lastly, we find the surprising result that the proximity effect between the pure and dirty superfluids at their interface is insufficient to nucleate the B-phase in either superfluid.PACS numbers:67.57. Pq,64.60.Qb,67.57.Np The A-phase of superfluid 3 He can be extensively supercooled, far into the region at low temperatures where the B-phase is thermodynamically stable [1,2]. Leggett [3,4] pointed out that the very small difference in free energy between these phases makes homogeneous nucleation of this first order phase transition so improbable as to be unrealizable within the age of the universe. If a seed of the B-phase is to grow it must surpass a critical size of a few microns, so large as to be inaccessible by thermal fluctuations. Thus the experimental fact that the B-phase nucleates at all from the A-phase indicates the existence of some heterogeneous mechanism. Quite a number of experiments have shown that ionizing radiation [1,2], vibrations [5,6], or rough surfaces [5,7] can be, under various restrictive circumstances, active sites for this nucleation; but how the process proceeds remains a major puzzle and is actively debated [8].The discovery of a class of 3 He superfluids [9,10] constrained by silica aerogel raises new questions concerning B-phase nucleation. Does the metastability of the Aphase for these superfluids follow the same pattern as for the pure case? Is there sufficient coupling between the two superfluids across their interface for nucleating the B-phase? With an appropriate choice of experimental conditions, temperature, pressure, and magnetic field, we can arrange that the interface separates two superfluids with the same, or different, order parameter symmetry. And if they are the same, we might expect the proximity effect, well known in superconductivity, to provide a nucleation source. By this we mean that the B-phase from one side of the interface should readily nucleate the B-phase in the other. We report here that indeed the superfluid constrained in aerogel exhibits supercooling and metastability similar to that of pure superfluid 3 He in the absence of aerogel; however, contrary to our expectation, there is no evidence of nucleation from the proximity effect. In addition, we have discovered a nucleation source for the pure B-superfluid that is extremely efficient and can be switched off by applying a magnetic field.The new 'dirty' superfluids are characterized by quasiparticle scattering from a silica aerogel-matrix that reduces their transition temperature and suppresses the amplitude of the order parameter [10,11]. The aerogel...