We study the universal properties of eigenstate entanglement entropy across the transition between many-body localized (MBL) and thermal phases. We develop an improved real space renormalization group approach that enables numerical simulation of large system sizes and systematic extrapolation to the infinite system size limit. For systems smaller than the correlation length, the average entanglement follows a sub-thermal volume law, whose coefficient is a universal scaling function. The full distribution of entanglement follows a universal scaling form, and exhibits a bimodal structure that produces universal subleading power-law corrections to the leading volume-law. For systems larger than the correlation length, the short interval entanglement exhibits a discontinuous jump at the transition from fully thermal volume-law on the thermal side, to pure area-law on the MBL side.Recent experimental advances in synthesizing isolated quantum many-body systems, such as cold-atoms [1][2][3][4], trapped ions [5,6], or impurity spins in solids [7,8], have raised fundamental questions about the nature of statistical mechanics. Even when decoupled from external sources of dissipation, large interacting quantum systems tend to act as their own heat-baths and reach thermal equilibrium. This behavior is formalized in the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) [9,10]. Generic excited eigenstates of such thermal systems are highly entangled, with the entanglement of a subregion scaling as the volume of that region ("volume law"). This results in incoherent, classical dynamics at long times. In contrast, strong disorder can dramatically alter this picture by pinning excitations that would otherwise propagate heat and entanglement [11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. In such many-body localized (MBL) systems [18][19][20], generic eigenstates have properties akin to those of ground states. They exhibit short-range entanglement that scales like the perimeter of the subregion [17] ("area law"), and have quantum coherent dynamics up to arbitrarily long time scales [21][22][23][24][25][26][27], even at high energy densities [17,26,[28][29][30][31].A transition between MBL and thermal regimes requires a singular rearrangement of eigenstates from area-law to volume-law entanglement. This many-body (de)localization transition (MBLT) represents an entirely new class of critical phenomena, outside the conventional framework of equilibrium thermal or quantum phase transitions. Developing a systematic theory of this transition promises not only to expand our understanding of possible critical phenomena, but also to yield universal insights into the nature of the proximate MBL and thermal phases.The eigenstate entanglement entropy can be viewed as a non-equilibrium analog of the thermodynamic free energy for a conventional thermal phase transition, and plays a central role in our conceptual understanding of the MBL and ETH phases. Describing the entanglement across the MBLT requires addressing the challenging combination of disorder, interactio...