We have used a near-field scanning microwave microscope to image domain structure and quantitatively measure dielectric permittivity and nonlinearity in ferroelectric crystals at 8.1 GHz with a spatial resolution of 1 m. We imaged ferroelectric domains in periodically poled LiNbO 3 , BaTiO 3 , and deuterated triglycine sulfate ͑DTGS͒ with a signal-to-noise ratio of 7. Measurement of the permittivity and nonlinearity of DTGS in the temperature range 300-400 K shows a peak at the Curie temperature, T C Ϸ340 K, as well as reasonable agreement with thermodynamic theory. In addition, the domain growth relaxation time shows a minimum near T C . We observe coarsening of ferroelectric domains in DTGS after a temperature quench from 360 to 330 K and evaluate the structure factor.