The isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in 28 Si, studied by 2 Si (a, a'c) angular correlation experiments (in which the charged particle c =a Qi a u p Qt pi % $, constitutes the first obvious case of a dominant direct nucleon decay of a giant quadrupole resonance.PACS numbers: 24.30.Cz, 23.90,+ w, 25.60 The general question of the damping of highfrequency nuclear vibrations is of definite interest, but many important issues are not well understood theoretically or experimentally. 1 Does the initial coherent one-particle-one-hole (Ip-lh) excitation decay in a "direct decay" by emitting the unbound nucleon, leaving the residual nucleus in specific hole states, or is the information on the Ip-lh configuration lost in a slower "statistical decay" through more complex n^-nh degrees of freedom and the eventual evaporation ? Random-phase approximation (RPA) continuum calculations predict direct decay to be unimportant in heavy nuclei for both the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance (GQR) and the giant dipole resonance (GDR); for the GQR this prediction holds even for very light nuclei (A -16). 1 Experimentally, the results of the few kinematically complete studies of the GQR decay have been found to be compatible with the assumption of statistical decay in the mass region A ~ 40-70. 2_4 On the other hand, a m O(a 9 a'c) coincidence experiment 5 (in which c = a 0 , a 2 ,/> 0? £ li2 ) gives the first evidence for a dominant direct decay of a GQR which surprisingly did not manifest itself in a nucleon but rather in the a-decay channel. Significantly, this observation was traced back later to the microscopic SU(3) structure of the GQR. 6 We briefly present here some results of .Cy, 27.30.+ t an extensive study 7 of the GQR decay in 28 Si which exhibits for the first time the characteristics expected for direct decay, namely a resonant strength distribution in specific nucleon (proton) channels.The charged-particle (c) decays from the GQR region in 28 Si were studied via the 28 Si(a, a*c) reaction with use of the momentum-analyzed 155-MeV a -particle beam from the Julich cyclotron. The a' particles were detected by two AE-E telescopes at fixed angles of Q a , =6.5° and 13.5°, corresponding to the second and third maximum of the L = 2 (a, a') angular distribution. As described previously, 4 ' 5 decay products were measured in coincidence by four sets of AE-E 1 -E 2 telescopes providing a unique particle identification for energies E c^2 .8 MeV. The measured in-plane angular correlation functions (ACF's) cover the range of laboratory angles 0 C between -40° and -260° (+100°) including both the direction parallel (#^=-56° for E x =19 MeV) and antiparallel to the recoiling excited 28 Si nucleus. Figure 1 shows a singles a' energy spectrum taken during the coincidence runs at 6.5° with a resolution of 180 keV. The data agree well with those from previous (a, a') experiments 8,9 confirming both the deduced centroid energy {(E x )-= 19.7 MeV) and width (r FWHM = 5.1 MeV) of the GQR covering the range of excitation energy of...