Recent progress in the field of multiferroics led to the discovery of many new materials in which ferroelectricity is induced by cycloidal spiral orders. The direction of the electric polarization is typically constrained by spin anisotropies and magnetic field. Here, we report that the mixed rare-earth manganite, , exhibits a spontaneous electric polarization along a general direction in the crystallographic ac plane, which is suppressed below 10 K but re-emerges in an applied magnetic field. Neutron diffraction measurements show that the polarization direction results from a large tilt of the spiral plane with respect to the crystallographic axes and that the suppression of ferroelectricity is caused by the transformation of a cycloidal spiral into a helical onea unique property of this rare-earth manganite. The freedom in the orientation of the spiral plane allows for a fine magnetic control of ferroelectricity, i.e. a rotation as well as a strong enhancement of the polarization depending on the magnetic field direction. We show that this unusual behaviour originates from the coupling between the transition metal and rare-earth magnetic subsystems. orders are often found in frustrated magnets where the electric polarization is induced by unconventional spin orders breaking inversion symmetry of the crystal lattice [7-9]. Frustrated magnetism leads to many competing states and complex phase diagrams. In orthorhombic rareearth (R) manganites RMnO 3 (R = Dy, Tb and Gd), ferroelectricity is associated with the cycloidal spiral ordering of the Mn spins [1, 2, 11, 12]. The electric polarization vector lies in the spiral plane and is perpendicular to the spiral wave vector in accordance with the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya mechanism and the spin current model of the magnetically-induced ferroelectricity [13-15]. The orientation of the spiral plane depends on the ionic size of R-ion and applied magnetic fields [16]. For example, RMnO 3 with R = Tb and Dy show the cycloidal spiral state with the wave vector along the b-axis and spins parallel to the bc plane which induces a polarization, , in the c-direction [17, 18]. In an applied magnetic field along the b-axis, the polarization vector re-orients from the c-to a-direction due to flop of spiral spins from the bc to the ab plane, in which the magnetic point groups change from mm21' to 2mm1' [11]. GdMnO 3 is close to the borderline separating the nonpolar collinear A-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) state from the polar non-collinear spiral states [11]. Its precise location in the phase diagram remains a controversy and the nature of various competing phases is not well understood. Magnetization and single-crystal synchrotron x-ray data suggest that below 23 K the Mn spins order in the A-